An Introduction to Writing a Valentine’s Day Essay

If you’re anything like me, Valentine’s Day is one of your favorite holidays. I’d usually spend my days working or shopping and then go out with friends to eat. When it came to spending time with my loved ones, I had other plans. So on this day when I was reminded of how I’d spend my special day of the year, I couldn’t help but write a Valentine’s Day essay. And guess what?

It’s actually pretty easy to write a short essay about the holiday. It just takes a bit of self-discipline and a bit of imagination to stir your thoughts and make you think about things that come to mind on Valentine’s Day. To write about something you’ve always longed for in a romantic way can be almost easier than you think. It doesn’t even have to be a Valentine’s novel. Something as simple as an essay about how spending Valentine’s Day with your loved one changed your life can be just as good (or better) than a fiction novel. As long as you keep it light and humorous, there’s no reason why it can’t be just as good as a movie!

But where would you begin to write a Valentine’s essay? And where do you end up with your finished work? How much research should you do? These are all important questions that you need to ask yourself before you begin writing your essay.

Firstly, do you live in the Philippines? That’s the first thing I’d do if I were planning to write an essay about Valentine’s Day in the Philippines. The Filipino people are quite amazing. And since Valentine’s Day is on a Friday, it wouldn’t make much sense to write about it on a Wednesday. It’d be better to choose a Friday or Saturday.

Next, ask yourself this: Is writing about something I wouldn’t normally get into interesting? Maybe I’ll opt for a topic that I’m not that familiar with, such as “What foods best describe my lover’s taste?” If that’s the case, I’d recommend you do some research online. There are lots of excellent resources to help you get started.

Also, do you know why Valentine’s Day is celebrated? Knowing that fact alone could make things a lot easier for you when you’re preparing your essay. For instance, knowing that this day is to honor the love between two people, you might want to start by reading up on it in English.

Lastly, do you know where to get ideas for your project? There are lots of excellent resources for that! Try to browse through the Internet and see what comes up. You can also ask other students who’ve written about Valentine’s Day before. You’ll no doubt get some great ideas from them.

Writing an essay about Valentine’s Day in the Philippines is definitely not as difficult as it seems. Just remember to have fun! Write as if you’re having fun, and don’t worry about correct grammar and spelling. And most importantly, enjoy the experience!

You don’t have to do anything special to prepare for this kind of essay assignment. You can write it at any time of the day – it doesn’t even need to be a full day. As long as you can get it written down, you’ve done something worth while. You may also want to make a few notes in preparation for future reference.

Now that you know what you have to do, let’s talk about how to go about writing it. The first thing you need to do is to get all of your research together. You need to know what the holiday is about, for starters. Then, you’ll have a better idea as to how you’re going to write your essay.

Once you have all of your research gathered, it’s time to get started. Start by getting a blank piece of paper and writing out your topic. Don’t worry about spelling your topic. All you have to do is get it down on paper.

Next, write out your main thesis statement. This is the gist or the main topic of your essay. read page that you make sure you know what your topic is before you start writing. You also want to have a rough draft copy of it somewhere else so that you don’t lose track of where you placed it or forget what you’re doing.